The Homebound Ministry is an outreach service that Annunciation Church provides to all of its Parishioners.
In an effort to be responsive to the needs of those in our Parish who are disabled, sick, or confined to their homes due to temporary or chronic illness, which causes them to miss regularly worshipping with their Parish community, this ministry is very dedicated to those whom they serve.
Through volunteer efforts our intent is to visit Residences, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, and Retirement Centers in order to bring The Most Blessed Sacrament to all in need on a weekly basis.
Currently the facilities under the care of the Homebound Ministry are located on the West Side of Rt. 17 and the Local Hospitals that serve our parishioners.
We encourage all of our Parishioners who are in need of this service to please call the Parish Center and make a formal request.
We are in search of volunteers for this ministry! Any registered member of the parish is eligible to volunteer. All guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers to Holy Communion apply for Homebound Ministers. To volunteer or to have communion brought to a loved one or friend please contact the parish center.
In case of an Emergency Visit, please call the Rectory at 201-768-1600 and speak with Louise Lucivero, our parish secretary, or after hours, follow the instructis.